Lola Ismile

Come follow me on my Author journey

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Que Sera Sera



When I was just a little girl………


I asked my mother,  what shall I be?

Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?

Here’s what she said to me:

“You’ve got to be kidding,  life is really hard.  You will work all the hours you can,  maybe make enough money to pay the mortgage but don’t expect time and money to keep yourself beautiful, that will never happen.

Then when you have kids,  well your life is over.  It’s horrendous,  you’ll never get any sleep.  They cost so much……”


Imagine if ‘here’s what she said to me’ was actually more like this:

“Darling you can be do or have whatever you want.  You just need to get into the right mindset and you can do it!  Be lovely to everyone,  even if they are mean to you.  Keep smiling, keep in your vortex and all will be fantastic!”


Doris Day sure had a lovely song there.  I wish we would all just teach our children to relax and know that all will always be ok,  no matter what.  Instead they get amazing amounts of stress and pressure put on them.  Well,  in fact,  we will all always be ok.


Watch this Abraham Hicks video here: 

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I’m going to be totally honest here!

This takes guts and bravery to tell you this…..Image


I’m actually ever so slightly stuck between a rock and a hard place right now.  You see,  my life has transformed like crazily and I love that I can share this with others for them to be able to learn what I have learnt too.  I love blogging and Vlogging (don’t autocorrect that please!) and I’m so keen to make this life online my entire life.  I vlog all the time but didn’t post it yet. 


Fear of ridicule.


I hear my authors suffer from this and it stops them from opening up.  I have come from a place where I thought life was meant to be tough and tricky.  Never in a million years did I feel I would go ahead and be able to write for a living.  Oh gosh,  course not.  That’s not work is it!



Is it??????????????????

Could it be????????????


Well, yes it could couldn’t it! Of course it could.  Why not?  Others do it!  Why do I have a blocked limiting belief around this one.  So much so that I actually don’t write as much as I feel I should/could/ought to.

Write, dammit, just write.  See what happens.


Today I have written myself a timetable of work.  This carefully shows the times and places I write and the times and places I do the day job to earn the cash.  I guess its a bit like budgeting with money…. make a plan and stick to it and the world is your oyster.


My gorgeous fiance has agreed that we can publish our story.  Now you see for me,  this would involve us making vlogs for Youtube and stuff too.  Although I’ve a feeling there already is an audience there for us.  

My day job involves me being a businesswoman.  Now I’m blonde…..and being totally gooey and in love and thinking the world of my family just makes me look like a hippy not a business woman.


I’d rather be a hippy! Of course I would.


Hmm……. why do I stumble?  Purely because of making money.  Also judgement.  I don’t want others to judge me either.  


I wanna let you guys in..  Well,  you guys are…..


Anyway,  can you do me a favour?  Can you come over to my twitter and my facebook and let’s be friends.  Can we? 


Twitter for Lola

Facebook for Lola





Looking for fellow bloggers – excite me please!

Afternoon all


Wow what a nice day I’m having.  You know one of those days where it seems everyone loves you and gives you a feeling of gratitude as you exchange smiles?  Oh amazing!


Ok so here’s the thing.  I’m hoping to get this profile of mine a bit busier but I also really love reading other people’s blogs.  Here’s what I love



*Life stories




Let’s connect?|


I’d love to know more about you guys. x

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Broken Hearted watching ‘The Voice’

Having fought for them…

Hang on,  having dreamed of holding them….?

Having a heart full of love for my unborn babies for so many years – thank god a miracle came – I am so totally consumed with love.

Approaching the time that I thought would escape us,  we are in the teenage years.  My IVF twins are growing up.

So independent,  I was determined beyond all inconceivabilities that I would be the coolest,  most hip,  engaging mum of teenagers.  Everyone would want to come to our house and ‘hang out’.  My meals would be the best.  All the kids would want to eat here.

I mean,  being the local taxi service for my kiddies,  we listen to Kiss FM and other cool stuff.  I’ve a cool car.  And I drive cool.

Should the teenagers have problems with homework,  they would all gather around my massive glass dining room table with books scattered between them to figure everything out.  I’d bring snacks carefully arranged to look like they weren’t carefully arranged and fight to find somewhere to place them between the books.  Expecting half a glance upwards with a quick, ‘thanks’ would allow me to do a quick half turn on the balls of my feet with a swish of the hair and a casual, “You’re welcome.”

This house is halfway there.  Yes, there are always kids here.  Always.  My phone beeps often with:

“Can Chloe sleep tonight?”

“Can I sleep at Chloe’s tonight?’

“Can you give us a lift to the cinema tonight?”

“I would go to the cinema but I don’t have any money.”

“mum, did I wash your car last week for that £10 I had last saturday or do i still owe you?”

Expecting these days to come,  I taught myself to be thankful.  Thankful that I didn’t actually have the heart attack I was so scared I’d have when they were one year olds.  Thankful that they are now independent; normal.  I’m glad to live to see this happen.  Although knowing they love me is one thing.  Feeling it when I’m quite clearly a taxi service and piggy bank is quite something else.

I’d been so excited about taking this weekend off.  We would go on an unprepared road trip.  No map.

“But won’t we get lost mum?”

My daughter asked,  concerned.

“Well if we do,  we put our postcode in our iPhone and come home again.”

She relaxed.

Instead,  she didn’t come home until I collected her at 7.15pm this evening from last nights sleepover.  As for her twin brother,  he had his friend here all day who is a totally well bred lad who always says thank you.  He was bored.  I offered to take him multiple places,  all of which would be, ‘boring after 5 minutes.’

Even with his friend?



Beginning to feel slightly sensitive by this time,  some total bitch wrote something nasty on Facebook.  Why the heck do people do that stuff?  Don’t even understand that.  Envy?  For my perfect life?  Thank you.  I worked hard for this and I’m going to allow you your envy while I still know there is enough good around for everyone.

Anyway, forget her,  she’s just a bitch and I instantly corrected my settings to not see her in my news feed anymore.  Fab.  Sod off.

I cried.

My nose got blocked to the degree I couldn’t blow it and then… in walked my son.

“What’s up mum?” He was genuinely concerned.

“Nothing just someone on Facebook.”

“Oh ok,  well we are going to the park.”

5 minutes later he text me.

‘Sorry I’m always with my friends.’

Ah crap,  now he’s picking up on my ‘lonely’ energy status.  Don’t want that.  Pick yourself up girl.  Clean the house.  Turn the music up loads. Clean the house.

Move the furniture.  Slip,  cut your hand,  cry some more.


For God’s sake why am I feeling so low about seeing my children grow up?  I mean,  who else feels like this?  Most Mums can’t wait for the school holidays to be over with.  That’s never been me.  I’m always at my best when I’m spending time with them.  They are my life.  They make my heart swell.

When everyone has gone and it’s just us,  they love nothing better than snuggling up to me and watching tv with snacks.  Paradise.


A mum.

I’m a mum.  That means everything.

So tonight the boys are sleeping at the other house and I have the girls.  Great.  Maybe we can watch some TV together and eat.

I finally felt the meaning of there’s an elephant in the room.

So,  here I sit,  in my bed. Dog at my feet.

My truly amazing Las Vegas style bed.  You know those ones which are pretty new out?  Push a button right at the side of the bed and with just that one flick of your index finger out comes at TV slowly ascending from the foot of the bed.  A flatscreen,  I think about 19″ and granted we only have the freeview box plugged in but nevertheless,  it’s TV.

Watching ‘The Voice’.

The Voice.  Yes I remembered recently I forgot to keep singing.  Quite happy to sit here watching The Voice,  my laptop was calling me to write.  As most authors do,  I was watching,  observing and mentally writing these words.

Cleo took to the stage.  “I remember her from the 80’s.” I thought to myself with a question mark over the top of my head.  Then they ran a VT confirming the 80’s video.  Yeah,  thought so.  Wow she was more than awesome.  Singing Michael Jackson.  Blasting it.  Even Cleo herself admitted,  “Who can sing Michael Jackson?”  She did.

Danny sat like a sponge,  soaking up the notes and hearing the vibration of passion within the voices,  seeing the performances with desperate eyes,  searching for the next note, willing it out with speed.  His head nods slowly,  the dancer in me notices he’s ever so slightly off beat.  Of course this doesn’t mean he can’t hold a beat.  He’s a well respected musician.  Of course he knows the beats.  Yet,  lost in the music,  the rocking notion was almost like a self soothing type of thing.

Tom Jones was edited nicely to look like he was wiping away a tear.  Obviously not.

Way too cool for that.  Oozing sophistication. Hash tag respect.

Now,  me watching Jesse J (beautiful Jessie J) I love her frowning face as she falls in love with each sound made by the talented voices.  Just as you think, “They will never hit that high note..”  Jesse frowns a little harder – no botox on her procerus muscle – and wills the artist to, in fact, not only hit the note but smash it with ease.  What a talent considering the nerves too.  If only I could sing like that.  Never mind,  singing still makes my blood pump faster and feeds my spirit who, incidentally is a bit of a party animal.

Jesse and give a sideways glance at each other and wordlessly know that the other is each thinking, “Wow.”

A silent Wow.

The corner of the eye can be a funny thing too… Just as Danny leans forward to look over to Jesse for one of those silent ‘Wow’s I’m sensing she just felt him.  Nodding in agreement without her eyes leaving the performer for a split second.

Me,  sitting here,  just watching the telly.  Can I ever ‘just watch the telly’ again without writing scenes in my head.

The author in me.  Can I write Author with a capital?  Feels right that way.  Life experiences always coming into my creative head and wanting to share.  Not sure to whom just yet.  It’s a very recent announcement that I am indeed an Author and I’ve decided people  will accept me that way.

‘Opening up’ as they call it in the coaching world.  ‘Letting it in.’  It’s brought me to this amazing place where I sit and write.  I hope it touches someone and they too can relate to my words.  They are just words.  From my heart to yours.

Meanwhile I listen to my beautiful daughter giggle downstairs with her friend who is on a slumber party night with her.  She’s happy.  My heart is mended.

My job here is done.

For today.